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Senator Rodríguez and Representative Marquez File Ethics Legislation

Office of Senator José Rodríguez—March 2nd, 2011

Yesterday, State Senator José Rodríguez (D-El Paso) and State Representative Marisa Márquez (D-El Paso) filed legislation that will increase the efficiency of the El Paso County Ethics Commission. The legislation, which will clarify a statute passed during the 81st Legislative Session, is a priority for El Paso County.

“Working with El Paso County to ensure that the Ethics Commission has the tools needed to do its job has been a top priority of mine since taking office,” said Senator Rodríguez. “I am honored to be able to be able to file legislation to make the ethics commission as effective and efficient as possible. It is critical that all levels of government are transparent and that we have the ability to hold our elected officials and public employees, at every level of government, accountable for their actions.”

“This bill is part of an ongoing relationship we have with El Paso County to strengthen the norms of ethical behavior in local government,” said Representative Márquez. “What we saw in years past is unacceptable and we intend to chart a new path. The new leadership in the County is hard at work charting that course, and today is another good day for the future of El Paso.”

The changes to be made by this legislation to the existing statute include: staggering the terms of Commission members; clarifying the training mandate for Commission members; and, determining the timeframe members of the Commission hold the position of chair.

The text of the two bills, SB 1019 by Rodríguez and HB 2002 by Márquez, may be found by visiting